Web application development: technical features and the difference between the site

With the increase in the share of online shopping, web applications have actively entered our daily lives. Since the official release back in 2005 by Steve Jobs, web applications have come a long way in transformation and development. But they did not change the primary concept at all. This is the full use of the potential of the software without pre-installation on the device. At first glance, this difference is the main one, but upon closer examination, there are clear differences in the format of web application from all their “conditional” counterparts: mobile applications, websites, online resources and desktop software. By the way, perhaps the desktop versions are too early to discount, as the advantages of using the internal resources of the hardware remain a strong point, especially in conditions of processing a large amount of data. Nevertheless, the actualization of web versions has finally supplanted desktop counterparts. In the context of today’s consumer preferences; the web application remains the most popular and advanced format for “conquering” and retaining the client. Why? Find out the answer here: https://devoxsoftware.com/services/web-app-development-services/.

What are the benefits of a web application?

A web application is a simple and accessible software format in which the client does not need to pre-install software components on his device. To develop the web version, basic technologies are used: HTML, CSS, Javascript or similar solutions. Among the main advantages are the following: • Minimal binding to the operating system. Since the update carried out on the browser side, the minimum requirements apply to the machine as well as to the host system. This flexibility allows you to cover the maximum percentage of the target audience since the application works equally effectively under the control of any operating system. • Ease of development. Web versions are easier to design because the solution doesn’t need to “tailored” to the requirements of the device (processor, core, video card, and so on). • Unlike mobile versions, the web application does not require platform binding. The software requires only access to the Internet. • A web application is the most acceptable option for a trading company since the software implementation does not require the purchase of a license or third-party components. Since the web application uses the same code, it is easy to update, scale; refine or integrate into one technical service along with the main site. An experienced React JS development company will help you deal with all the nuances.

What is the difference between an app and a website?

The application and the selling site seem to be quite the same type of solutions; while the web application may include a completely different functional complex. In this concept, the primary role played by the purpose of both products. If the functions of the application can include the specific needs of a product niche, for example; collecting data according to selected criteria, then the selling site aimed at making sales or presenting goods. In many ways, the differences depend on the ultimate goal of the solution and implementation features. From the point of view of functional features; the web version of the application and the site differ in many ways: • The application is focused on incoming data from the client, while the site can perform simple content presentation functions. • The web application requires client personalization as the service handles user data. Registration is not required for the site, many operations can be done without identification. • Project management and change. Editing a web application is much more difficult, it requires editing many blocks, testing and running updates. In the case of a website, it is quite easy to make changes; for this you can edit the desired fragment or replace part of the content. In terms of functioning, the web application is based on the principle of request processing on the browser side. After the user formulates a request and sends it to the server through the application; the information is processed in the service part and sent to the front part of the application; after which it is displayed on the device.


As the user creates requests for the web application, the system repeats the response cycle over and over again. At the same time, for the functioning of a web application; it is not necessary to install client components in the device’s memory; it is enough to have a gadget and access to the network.

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