How to Get Your CBD Brand on Shelves

The CBD revenue is increasing, and so are the brands. So, you need to stand out from others to ensure that consumers notice your products. The process is not complicated but demands planning. So, here are some marketing tips that will help your CBD brand to reach the consumer selves.

Tips to Stand Out

Here are some tips for you.

Show Your Online Presence

In present times, bringing your CBD business to an online medium is vital to getting a customer base. So, before going towards the technicalities of growing your online business, you should shift your offline dispensary to an online store. That does not mean you should close down the offline one.

You can make a website for that offline store. It will help you break the limitations of the local market. Your customer base would increase, and you can reach people beyond your locality.

Perform an Extensive Research on Your Consumer

The first step is to know your target audience. Do you want your CBD brand on the shelves of only women or other genders? Is your target audience of all age groups? Look for their requirements and needs. Know about the CBD products they are looking for.

  • These facts might help you to decide the needs of your target audience.

  • A study of CBD users, organized by the NCBI ( National Center for Biotechnology), concluded that 62% of total CBD users consume cannabidiol for medical purposes. The top three medical conditions to use Sunday Scaries CBD came out as pain, anxiety, and depression.

  • Broadly, CBD products are divided into four categories. They are sublingual ( oil and tincture), topicals ( lotions, shampoos, creams, masks), Oral (capsules, chocolate bars, gummies, beverages, bakery products), and inhalation ( vape pens). According to a social conversation between CBD users, 68% of CBD consumers discussed sublingual administration of CBD, followed by inhalation and oral products.

Besides these facts, research about the trends in the market. Also, do not forget to understand CBD laws in the states where your target customer lives.

Know Your Competitors

Before you begin your marketing strategies, take insights from your already established CBD vendors. You should know everything about CBD products.  Find out the answers to these questions:

  • Who is their target audience?
  • How effectively are they marketing?
  • What makes them different from others?
  • What is their strength?
  • What are their weaknesses?

These questions will help you to know about your competitors. In this way, you can make your marketing strategies more effective.

Create a UVP ( Unique Value Proposition)

A vital question is why a consumer will put your brand on their shelves and not any other brand? Having a UVP is vital for your marketing strategy. While evaluating brands, most consumers notice your Unique value first.

So, how to make a UVP? Here are the tricks.

While planning your UVP, keep all the benefits your brand provides you in your mind. Then look for the issues for which your consumer purchases CBD products. Now, try to find ways in which your brand can solve these issues. When you connect the challenges of consumers with your solution, you get a unique proposition.

Here are the features of a UVP:

  • It should be concise
  • It should be unique
  • It should be simple and not complicated.
  • It should be believable.
  • It should have a logic, a reason.

Your UVP should give a hint of what unique your brand offers. An efficient UVP makes it easier for you to communicate with consumers. You can create a message that reinforces your UVP and CBD brand on email newsletters, social media, and blog posts.

Remember, there is always something that makes you different from other brands. For example, if you say your CBD gummies have a unique flavor, bring testimonials of consumers. You only need to find it out. Also, make sure to have appropriate evidence to back up your claimed UVP.

Besides, keep a check on your UVP. Experiment with it, create ads with distinct keywords, see which one gets maximum clicks, keep an eye on which email subject or website banners work well. These things will help you to create the best UVP for your brand.

Create an Engaging Website

The first step of getting a successful online presence is an engaging website. The offers, visuals, and content on the site should be your speaker. You should remember that CBD is a new product; although it was there for a long time, it is new for this decade. So, people have lots of questions in their mind, benefits, usage, dosage, types, side-effects, etc.

So, you have a lot to show on your site. Here are tips:

  1. Create a FAQ page that answers some genuine concerns of people around CBD. You can also include links to blogs that include information about CBD.
  2. Include Contact Us information on your site. It will ensure that consumers can reach you whenever required. Also, contact us information makes your site look reliable to consumers. You can also offer a chatbox where a consumer can discuss their problem 24*7.
  3. Provide the option to include reviews of your product. The reviews by consumers ensure that new consumers know what your site offers. It also helps them know which product is best for them.
  4. The product description on the site should be concise but informative. It should answer everything that a consumer wants to know about a particular product.
  5. The About Us page should be descriptive and easy to understand. If your consumer faces challenges in understanding your brand and team, they might develop trust issues.
  6. While planning messages for your site, look for the consumer’s point of view. Consider their points and write from their perspective.
  7. If you can customize the on-site experience of your consumers, your website will perform wonders for your brand.

Focus on SEO

It is the last but most significant tip to reach a broad customer base. It is one of the most organic ways to create an online presence of your brand. The method requires some knowledge regarding the algorithm of web engines and how to use it for your site. For example, plagiarism is a no for SEO. So, you have to avoid it at any cost.

These were some tips for growing your CBD business.


While advertising your CBD brand, you should also know certain restrictions. For example, you cannot put unapproved medical claims on your site. Besides, you should have evidence for whatever you say. Considering these things will ensure your site and brand grows.

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