How Smart Offices Are Changing the Way We Work

Given the vast and continuing evolution of technology, there have been many changes in the way that people work. Flexible, innovative office solutions are paving the way for a more productive, engaged future for the workforce. Otherwise known as smart offices, these spaces are shaping a better future for employees and employers because they are responsive and supportive, two of the main factors needed for a successful work agenda.

First Up: What Exactly Is a Smart Office?

A smart office is one that combines technology with practicality. The IoT (Internet of Things) is a prevalent tool, but its utilisation varies depending on how ‘smart’ the office actually is. So, why are these spaces so transformative, and is the popularity a fad or something with staying power? It is clear that these trends are growing in traction, so the staying power can’t realistically be called into question. The advantages are worth discussing in more detail so the picture can be painted more clearly.

Innovations In Organisation

Thanks to a defined focus on organisation factors like comprehensive room booking system tools, these smart offices are preferable. Everyone has access to bookings and can therefore use this data to organise their day in an optimal fashion. This leads to a natural improvement in resource management, which in turn brings about a more collaborative and harmonious work experience for the whole team. There is also the bigger organisation factor of where people work and how you control the layout of the space which can be the key to a successful and happy team. When employees feel their professional environment controlled by order as opposed to chaos, there is more scope here for higher retention rates and people who actually want to show up to work.

Flexible Working is the Preference

It’s no big reveal that more people are working at home in the last three years than ever before. This flexible style of working that combines office days with home office days is one that people want to stay put. It not only supports a better quality of life but has shown to improve things like productivity and attendance too. Smart offices are the perfect place to facilitate hybrid work models. Not only have they made strides in enabling large scale video conferencing in an accessible way, but they also (if you find the right space) have highly dependable collaboration tools that make teamwork between employees in the office and those at home easier and far more reliable.

Boosts In Productivity

A smarter office enables employees to have more control over their agenda. When people have a higher degree of autonomy in their professional day, they are organically happier. When the mood is elevated, so is productivity. While these things are obviously not always this black and white, there is value in this statement. Smart offices support autonomy in the workspace and enable employees to take charge of their day in a way that just isn’t possible in an alternative environment. The main advantage of this is a knock-on increase in productivity and therefore project outputs. This is facilitated by a higher degree of engagement; which is brought about by an office that meets the changing needs of the modern workforce. So, it all intertwines nicely, and each iteration magnifies the next.

Higher Efficiency

Any commercial property space, whether it is rented or owned, has to consider sustainability in its budget. Achieving efficiency in this area looks like lowering your energy outputs; and creating a space that is more eco-focussed and carbon conscious. Smart offices make this so easy. With the IoT advantages; things like smart sensors are able to detect the number of people present and the spaces that they occupy. This means things like aircon, heating, and even electricity outputs can all be controlled automatically and in a superior way. These factors will not only lower your overheads but also keep your outputs optimised for environmental efficiency.

Insightful Data Perks

Things like KPI monitoring have more impact when there is insight and data to analyse alongside them. In these offices, a business is able to see who is coming in; how long they spend on vital work tasks, and what their engagement levels are. This can be used further to evaluate the efficacy of the existing KPI goals and evolve them into something more relevant. In addition to this, the IoT factor means there is simply more data to look at with regard to the employees as well.

An example of this would be to use the data to see where people typically spend their time during the workday. If people are spending more time in staff common areas as opposed to their dedicated desks; then there might be a call for a communal workspace so people can be together with the clear expectation that work is also happening. It’s not school, after all, and lots of people are by nature drawn to one another. So, facilitating this change would be highly actionable and might just make things more efficient.

Better Management Opportunities

This style of work also allows for management improvements and better insights too. Aside from the above-mentioned data advantages, management; and business leaders will be able to engage with their team on a different wavelength. All the subtle nuances that may disrupt a workday like malfunctioning technology, slow connections; glitching software, and subpar communication are effectively eradicated in this setup. Everything is equipped for success, and therefore the role of team leader shifts as well. There can be more time for focusing on specific development and engaging with the other team members more holistically. It frees up time in the day to look at key areas and be where you need to be more often without unnecessary distractions.

Smart offices are going to change the world of work for the better. It makes sense to combine technological advances with the workday to facilitate a more productive environment that supports well-being and engagement. After all, employees that have better tools are able to feel empowered and perform better in their professional existence.

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