Understanding The Various Steps in Alcohol Detox in Recovery Centers

It is the job of alcohol treatment centers to help addicts recover from their Alcohol addiction. Out of the 14.5 million + people ages 12 and up that have an alcohol use disorder, only 7.2% of them received treatment. The lack of treatment can be caused by a variety of reasons, some choose not to get help because they don’t know what to expect in a treatment program. It is a process that starts with detoxification, or the withdrawal symptoms alcohol addicts will get if they are not given a replacement substance for the poison in their systems. After detox, an addict undergoes education regarding addiction and recovery, group therapy sessions, counseling, and more aftercare programs before he can become a sober individual again.


The first and definitely hardest step on this healing journey is withdrawal. Also, Any treatment program will start with removing the substance from your system. This is an accomplishment through your body’s own systems filtering the alcohol out. This process can take days or months depending on how long-term your use has been and other underlying medical variables. However, Withdrawal from alcohol can create some very uncomfortable physical symptoms that can become dangerous and life-threatening very quickly. These symptoms can include:
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Rapid and/or irregular heartbeat
  • Sweating
  • Seizures
  • Shakiness
These are often accompanied by various psychological symptoms like anxiety, depression, insomnia and nightmares, mood swings, hallucinations, and irritability. Some of these can be quite dangerous not limited to fever, seizures, and hallucinations. These appear most often from extreme addiction withdrawal but can appear in anyone. Also, These symptoms are often a part of the severe reaction called delirium tremens (DTs). According to Gallus Detox, extreme addiction withdrawal should be accomplished through medical detox.

Medical Detox

Medical detox is the process of substance detoxification under medical supervision. Physicians and nurses supervise the health and well-being of the patient while they are gradually weaned off the substance. Medications are used to ease the strength of the symptoms of withdrawal and maintain healthy vitals. Also, Medical detox reduces the dangers of withdrawal for many patients and makes the path to recovery more successful.

Behavioral Therapy

During and after detoxification, various behavioral therapies utilized to aid in the rewiring of the patient’s brain back to more normal functions. However, Treatment often includes individual and group sessions to understand why you turned to alcohol and recognize your triggers to help cope and prevent relapse. Also, A combination of behavioral and motivational therapies alongside your medical treatment can

Inpatient Treatment

Many programs, but not all, start with inpatient treatment. This includes the detoxification and withdrawal step. Attending frequent meetings with a counselor trained in treating alcoholism is critical to recovery. Having a counselor by your side during the good times and the bad lends the necessary support for recovery and long-lasting sobriety. Therapists will also be able to analyze any underlying conditions whether physical or psychological that may be contributing to your addiction and treat them alongside your addiction to prepare you for your renewed life ahead. Inpatient treatment gives the constant support that you need to get to know yourself again, inside, and out, and learn how to keep yourself healthy when you return to the world.\

Outpatient Treatment

Inpatient programs aren’t ideal for some. Whether it’s because your substance use disorder is on the mild side or because you have too many responsibilities that you cannot abandon, outpatient treatment can be your first step or the next step on the road. Outpatient programs include withdrawal and detoxification addressed through appointment daily and then support and therapies. You create a schedule with the professionals and arrange your support and therapy around your daily life. This allows you to stay with your family and/or maintain an important job. Many treatment centers have night therapy sessions just for this purpose.


After you have completed your rehabilitation, you’re not finished yet. Addiction is a chronic disease that will rear its ugly head at expected and unexpected moments throughout your life. Once rehabilitation is over, it’s important to gradually acclimate back into daily life. This is not something you need to do by yourself. Isolating yourself from support is a rocky road to relapse. Aftercare is designed to help you through the maintenance phase of your recovery. The support needs to be there to guide and help you maintain those lifestyle changes you made during rehabilitation whether it getting regular exercise, staying sober, paying attention to sleep, or attending support groups.

Support Groups

Much of aftercare is the availability and attendance in support groups. Support groups designed to maintain trained support with like-minded people that will help you over any bumps in the road. Receive encouragement and engagement with others in recovery who will help you when you find coping difficult, help rejoice in your successes and cheer you on, and pick you up and get you back on track in case of a relapse. Aftercare support can last from 6 months to 5 years depending on the severity of your addiction combined with your genes and medical history. Only a small number of people can master their addiction in 6 months. Most take a 2-to-5-year commitment to truly break this dangerous habit.

Final Thoughts: There are many helpful steps you can take to free yourself from alcohol addiction.

Alcohol addiction recovery is a lengthy process that requires the support of loved ones and proper medical attention. Recovering alcoholics can go through detox at alcohol rehab centers, which provide addiction treatment in a safe environment. However, it’s important not to underestimate how difficult this process can be. The amount of time they should remain under medical supervision will depend on the severity of their addiction. Detoxing in a rehab center offers a safe environment for you or your loved one to go through the difficult process of recovering from alcoholism. The longer you stay in treatment during this time, the better your overall chances for long-term sobriety will be.

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