Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence – Everything you need to know

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What is Artificial intelligence? How does (AI) work? All details about Different types, Examples, Uses, and Future of Mobile Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has grown in popularity in recent years.  Artificial intelligence (AI) is being incorporated in most of the products and services. From personalized recommendations on music, video streaming to services, artificial intelligence affects our lives in a small or big way. But what is artificial intelligence, and how does it work?

What is Artificial intelligence?

AI intelligence is a simulation of intelligence in machines programmed to learn and mimic similar human actions. Also, These machines are programmed in such a way to perform human-like tasks. This has a great impact on human life, making our life more comfortable and easygoing. 

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We need more than teaching the machine. Also, We need to overcome the boundaries that separate humans from the machine – and us from them. 

Different types of  Artificial Intelligence are there?

Reactive machine

The most basic sort of AI system has the power to neither form memories nor to use previous experience. Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-playing computer, which beats international chess player Garry Kasparov, the perfect example of this type of machine.

Deep blue identifies the piece on the chessboard and knows how each moves. It can make predictions about what might be the next move of the opponent, and it can choose the best optimal move among the possibilities. But it doesn’t have any concept of the past nor any memory of what happened before. Everything before the present moment is ignored by Deep Blue. It looks at the piece and chooses the best possible move.

Similarly, Google’s AlphaGo, which has beaten top human Go experts in evaluating game development, uses an artificial neural network. These artificial intelligence systems are designed for a particular game or specified job. They can’t imagine beyond that world. They behave the same every time they encounter the same situation. These AI systems are trustworthy but don’t engage or respond to the world.

Limited memory

This type of class consists of machines that can look into the past. For example, self-driving cars which can also observe other car’s speed and directions.  This has not to be done in one moment; it requires finding specific objects and monitoring them over time. These observations are added as preprogrammed representations of the world. This also includes lane markings, traffic lights, curves in the road, and other important elements. The car decides when to change lanes, avoid being hit by a nearby car or avoid cutting off another driver;—the way human drivers compile over the experience of driving.

Theory of mind

Also, This is one of the important points which distinguishes us from Artificial Intelligence systems. We socialize, interact with other humans, and have thinking capabilities. Machines coming up in time will represent the world; and in psychology, it’s called the “theory of mind” which is understanding people, understanding objects, environment, and emotions that affect behavior.


However, The final step of building artificial intelligence is to build a system that can form representation about themselves. The AI researcher will have to understand the consciousness but build machines that have it. Consciousness is being aware of ourselves internally and able to predict the feelings of others.

Tuning test for artificial intelligence?

Although, This is a method to manifest intelligent behavior equivalent to or indistinguishable from a human. Alan Turing developed this test in 1950. There are some sets of questions given to humans and machines. However, If the evaluator cannot tell the difference between the subject answers, the machine passes the test.

Artificial intelligence needs to have certain qualities like

  • Natural language processing
  • Knowledge representation to act as memory
  • Automated Reasoning to use stored information
  • Machine Learning to detect patterns

How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) work?

Artificial Intelligence course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the following subjects:

Machine Learning

This is the most common AI technique to process big data. ML teaches a machine how to make a decision. It defines patterns, analyzes the past reference of the dataset. Also, There are machine learning algorithms that help us build a model for each particular data set. However, Machine learning involves feature engineering, exploratory data analysis, which help businesses give insight into the data.

  • Deep Learning – Deep Learning is a machine learning technique that teaches machines; how to process input through different layers, infer and predict the outcome. Also, These artificial neural networks are built just like the human brain; with neurons and nodes connected just like the web. Also, This is the artificial brain that processes input and delivers the output.

Neural Networks 

Neural networks also commonly refer to as artificial neural networks(ANN) or simulated neural networks( SNN).  These are a subset of  ML and the heart of deep learning. ANN consists of node layers containing input, hidden layers, and output layers. Each node in an artificial neuron connects to another and has associated weights and thresholds. Following are the types of neural networks such as –

  • Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
  • Convolutional neural networks  (CNN) 
  •  Recurrent neural networks ( RNN)

Computer Vision

Computer vision permits the computer to find meaningful information from digital images, videos, and other visual inputs. However, Computers take actions or make recommendations based on the available information. Also, Computer vision trains machines to perform actions, and these perform functions in much less time. Computer vision used in ranging from energy and utilities to manufacturing and automotive and is growing.

Natural language processing

NLP studies refer to the way we humans communicate with each other. Name, speech or text. Sentimental analysis determines what the text is referring to. NLP is a challenging domain because human language is complex and astounding and identifying the sentiment from text is tricky for the machine.  Not only are there hundreds of different languages or dialects but also a unique set of grammar, syntax rules, slang, abbreviated words, or omitted punctuation.

Cognitive computing

The process of simulating the human thought process in a complex situation. The system involves technologies such as:

  • data mining
  • pattern recognition
  •  natural language processing

Difference between Strength and weakness of AI

Strength of AI –  Following are the strengths of AI:

  • With the advancement in technology, it is progressing each day has a wider scope
  • It uses human-level intelligence
  • Uses  clustering and association techniques to process the data
  • Examples are advance robotics 


Following are the Weakness  of AI:

  • It is specified to one specific application, i.e has limited scope 
  • Application is good at performing one particular task only.
  • It uses supervised and unsupervised data sets to process the learning of data
  • Examples  – Siri or Alexa, the very intelligent assistants by Google and Apple.

What is Mobile AI?

Mobile AI widely use in the smartphone. Over 1.5 billion smartphones are sold per annum. Smartphones are the most used mobile AI platform. Powering on-device AI and virtual assistants, smart assistants, and IoT devices are helping by Qualcomm technologies.

What are the uses of artificial intelligence?

AI can easily accomplish mundane human tasks like sorting large amounts of data or recognize patterns in data. AI trains a machine to do work that is intuitive, simpler to use, capable of doing tasks faster than before. For example, AI not only allows the camera to take the image also understand what the image is about or understand what is said.

Examples of artificial intelligence?

Using voice recognition on your smartphone to set the alarm or asking a voice assistant to make a call or text your friend. AI helps drones to fly their own, and cameras can differentiate between objects.

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is emerging to be the next big thing in technology. However, Artificial Intelligence will not only impact the future of industries but also make human life easier. Artificial Intelligence systems are also emerging technologies like big data, robotics, and IoT.

Getting certified in AI will upskill your knowledge and will boost your career opportunities. A virtual assistant is already making its way. Self-driven car by the Tesla company is the first step towards the future. AI can help reduce and predict the risk of climate change.

Hope this article helps you a lot in understanding this topic. If you’re interested in free online courses with certificates, So enroll today on Great Learning Programme

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