Language Training

How Language Training Develops New Business Opportunities

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Whether you need to be conducting business in a wide variety of countries or are only using language training to increase professional development for your employees, you can easily add a language training program for employees to reach whatever business goals you are looking to accomplish. You can achieve so much growth in your business by implementing language training for employees. If you are wondering how to go about executing a company-wide language learning program; an easy and cost-effective way to do it is by using a language training company like Preply Business. The business language training which Preply provides can be easily tailored to your company’s needs.

In this article, we will be talking about some of the ways that language training can bring about some great business opportunities in various areas. This goes for both foreign language training as well corporate language training. Time to get into it!

Company Development

This section will go over the company opportunities that can come from language training.

  • Highlight your company’s dedication to its clients: A company that shows its clients that they are willing to learn new languages and work with an understanding of other cultures is far more likely to succeed in the global arena. People are far more likely to trust those who can speak their language and understand their culture. Even if the employee conducting business is still learning; your clients will appreciate the dedication involved in learning a language; and feel like they are being honored through that dedication. It also shows potential and current clients that your company and culture are able to create a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere for international employees, which will in turn make the clients feel more welcome.
  • Improve your company’s marketability: Advancing in the global market requires being able to navigate the world in which you need to do business. You could have the best products or services but if you cannot provide that in a language that makes sense to the people then it is practically worthless. Providing corporate language training for your company is the best way to upskill and reskill your employees to make for the best quality business relationships as well as a more robust company.
  • Get a leg up on the competition: A key component to success in the global corporate world is being able to really compete in said world. Having employees who are able to operate in different environments with ease makes for a much more solid business base. If your clients know that you are willing and able to work with them in their language to ensure understanding while doing business dealings where other companies are not able to or choose not to, it makes your employees and your company more viable in the global business community. It also gives a competitive edge to your employees for future upward movement within the company.

Employee Development

This section will be dedicated to the benefits that your employees will get from language training; and how it will develop your business.

  • Productivity: Companies that provide language learning to their employees have a higher level of productivity. These employees have better memory recall, higher capacity to task switch and multitask, and more confidence in their job performance. Research shows that 64% of HR managers noted a rise in employee engagement after implementing a language training program. They also noted an 80% increase in employee satisfaction. This bump in satisfaction and productivity will mean harder working people. This will make the company a better place to work for everyone.
  • Hire and retain a high-quality workforce: When your company uses business language courses; you can put more focus on hiring quality people from all over. Also, You can always train someone in whatever language is needed, but you cannot teach employable skills. You will also find that providing these kinds of professional development courses will help to retain and upskill your current employees. Also, You would be showing that the company cares enough to help them grow and move up in the business; which gives them a reason to remain with the company. This will help save you the time and money it would take to replace them.


No matter which company you choose to create your language training program; make sure to set up your program to fit the needs of your business and employees. You should be able to work with the tutors to find a way to include these training courses into the weekly routine at the company. You will also need to create an environment that celebrates learning; with a focus on everyone growing together at the rate that they need to be successful. With this newfound knowledge of how language training can increase your business results; you should be well on your way to creating a successful overall company.

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