professional resume

How to make a professional resume

2 minutes, 18 seconds Read

A professional resume is a document that must correspond to several criteria:

  • Be concise (1 or 2 pages)
  • Be good-looking in its filling, formatting, font faces, colors, margins, and line spacing
  • Contain all important information about you, along with that, being deprived of unnecessary information, which adds no points to your candidacy
  • Feel professional
  • Have a generally nice design, which will be stepping away from the boring black-and-white palette, so it must have your picture, infographics, sorted bullet points of your skills, etc.
  • Be tuned for a specific job (so if you applying for several kinds of jobs, then you must tune your resume to every single one of them).

In all these tasks, you are finely helped by the resume creator free called CV2YOU.

The CV2YOU resume creator free

However, This tool an online website, which designed to an easy visual editor to create various documents, which job applicants might require to successfully undergo a job search process. Most often, these are a resume (CV), cover letter, and reference list.

Also, Its offered for free and you can start making a document immediately as you get on the website — with no registration, no data of your social media, etc. Just click to begin working.

To express yourself and your oeuvre, you offered to start with the choice of a template (1 of 4 presented). There, you can work using 1 of 6 available languages; create your own color palette (composed of 8 colors) and use 6 font faces. The designers of this wonderful app worked really hard to make any selection of fonts and colors look well with one another. After their job done, they refined it together with leading HR experts in various industries so as to make sure any resume made with the CV2YOU tool looks highly professional, good, and scannable. 

Also, The tool makes it possible to pick a template, which will reveal your skills and information the best, at any time staying completely professional and as appealing as possible. 

The resume creator free: creative process

The process of making your document begins with the choice of a suitable template. There, most fields of data already pre-determined:

  • Name
  • Desired position
  • Contacts
  • Summary
  • Skills (soft and hard)
  • Relevant work experience
  • Education
  • Language proficiency
  • Niche certificates (if any)
  • Areas of competence.

But if you feel, you want to add something, then you given possibilities with a side panel; allowing you to select custom sections (work summary, more work experience, certificates, professional skills, about, and others).

What’s cool about the working process in this tool: once you change any data in some template and want to opt for another template, already introduced changes will save and show in that another template. That amazingly saves time and effort.

Saving a result is possible as a PDF file and off you go, sending it to the potential hirers.

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