Orplex Limited was established in 1996. Orplex aims to become a global company investing in technology companies. Also, Orplex currently operates in Romania, Italy, and Japan, with the bulk of its revenue coming from a central performance accounting business while the rest split between customer service and optimizing its services portfolio.
What sets this company apart from other performance accounting companies is the following:
Complex audit (purposeful audit) with multiple estimations: (DCF and P&L)
20 years of experience
Optimization of investment prospects
Branding of the company, especially on their website (orplexltd.com) with pretty useful information about the services they provide
The key founders of Orplex have experience working with other companies (namely: Microsoft). Also, Orplex continued to work with Microsoft after Microsoft (Intesa and their banking division Intesa) acquired by Intesa.
Why would the Orplex company want to be a listed company?
Orplex is headed by an executive team that has experience managing publicly traded companies and has already achieved IPOs; so Orplex has experience in meeting investors. Now, having been listed for longer than 5 years; the company may feel they have become a mature company with strong (or at least stable) financial performance.
The Company has the ability to have more flexibility (not just in their financial needs but in design and business decisions) and not have to worry about the capital structure. In addition, Orplex can attract the best talent and do competitive deals for companies.
What is the Orplex Company’s What To Win?
It can be obtained through a technology IPO, or through M&A.
Biggest Car Lot GPOD: 28.8% of issued by 2020 (NDR).
One of the largest franchising centers: Of the 193 companies in Pizza joint restaurants of Pizza Hut, which represent 96% of the company’s sales: 89% (65%) of new customers come through Pizza Hut’s websites.
Costco’s most popular store (without acquisition from grocery store chain the warehouse club), in 2019 will sell approx. 16.8 million unit items, (selling at least 30 items per customer).
Retail sellers represent 49% of the Orplex company’s sales.
Increasing growth of digital consumption in generation
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Orplex Limited COMPANY Indicators
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