Blockchain Developers

What to Ask Blockchain Developers During an Interview

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The functioning of blockchain technology is often difficult to understand for people who are not well-versed in programming and coding. Even for experienced developers, the inner workings of blockchain technology can be complex and challenging. The booming popularity of blockchain means a growing demand for talented blockchain developers. Major corporations use blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Hyperledger to develop innovative applications.

Blockchain industries need developers familiar with specific blockchain protocols like Solidity, Geth, and Truffle. If you’re looking to hire blockchain developers, it’s important to ask the right questions during the interview process. Doing so can ensure that the candidate you hire has the skills and knowledge necessary to build a successful blockchain application. This blog will give you an overview of the questions you should ask blockchain developers during an interview.

What Is The Fundamental Tenet Of Blockchain?

The distributed ledger technology that is the basis for all blockchain platforms is founded on the principle of decentralization. This means that there is no central authority governing the network. Instead, it is a network of computers, or nodes, that each has a copy of the ledger and works together to validate new transactions. Blockchain is highly resistant to tampering or corruption, as most nodes would need to agree to any changes.

If the candidate is unfamiliar with the term “decentralization,” you can ask them to explain what they understand about how blockchain works. If they are familiar with the concept, you can ask them to elaborate on how it makes the platform secure.

Name The Different Types Of Blockchain Networks.

There are four main types of blockchain networks: public, permissioned, private, and hybrid. Public blockchains are open to anyone and do not require permission to join or participate. Bitcoin is an example of a public blockchain. Permissioned blockchains restrict who can join the network and take part in validating new transactions. 

Usually, only selected individuals or organizations are allowed to become part of the network. Private blockchains are similar to permissioned ones, but they have completely closed off and are only accessible to those permitted by the network’s administrators. Hybrid blockchains combine aspects of both public and private networks.

Note the candidate’s behavior when discussing the different types of blockchain networks. Are they able to explain the key differences between them? Do they seem confident in their understanding? The red flag would be if the candidate is unsure of the differences or mixes up the types of networks.

How Can Different Blockchain Networks Interact With Each Other?

One of the benefits of blockchain technology is that different networks can interact with each other. This is made possible through something called cross-chain compatibility. Cross-chain compatibility refers to the ability of various blockchain networks to connect and share data. This opens up a whole range of possibilities for how blockchain can be used in the future.

To test a candidate’s understanding of cross-chain compatibility, you can ask them to describe a scenario in which two different blockchain networks might need to interact. You can also ask them to explain how data is shared between blockchain networks.

What Is The Role Of A “Block” In A Blockchain Database?

In a blockchain, each block contains a record of new transactions. When a new transaction is made, it is added to a block. Once the block is full, its added to the chain and becomes permanent. Blocks are chained together this way, so it is impossible to go back and change previous blocks. This makes the blockchain highly resistant to tampering.

Whether you are looking for mobile app developers for hire or blockchain developers for hire, each candidate should be able to explain what a block is and how it works. If unsure, this may signal that they are not as knowledgeable about blockchain as you need them to be.

Why Is Blockchain Referred To As “Resilient And Lasting”?

The resilient and lasting nature of blockchain is one of its most appealing properties. When data recorded on a blockchain, it becomes difficult to change or delete. This because each subsequent block added to the chain contains a hash of the previous block, and changing any data in a previous block would cause all subsequent blocks in the chain to be invalid.

The candidate should be able to explain why this is the case and how it makes blockchain more secure than other data storage methods. If the candidate is unfamiliar with this concept, they are probably not a very strong blockchain developer.

What Is A “Hash”?

A hash is a function that takes an input of any size and produces an output of a fixed size. Hash functions used in blockchain to create a digital fingerprint of the data in each block. This fingerprint is then used to verify the data in subsequent blocks. Typically, a hash function will produce a different output for even the slightest change in input. 

A perfect candidate should able to explain a hash and how its used in blockchain. If they cannot do so, they are probably not familiar enough with the technology to be a strong blockchain developer.

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