Career Girls

Career Girls – How to Be a Digital Nomad

2 minutes, 27 seconds Read

American women are a special breed, tough, charming and very determined, with tons of sex appeal thrown in! Working for a company is OK, it pays your bills and you’re not the only one who has to deal with the heaving traffic and full metro carriages. 

What if we told you that you could escape the rat race and become a digital nomad?

There are a million and one ways a girl can make a living online; a digital nomad can travel and work at the same time – spend a few months on Bali, then head to Phuket for the winter and when you get homesick, fly back for a few weeks. 

Let’s take a look at ways you can make a living remotely;

  • Travel blogging – Stay in 5-star resorts and promote the venue.
  • Shopping cart website (E-commerce)
  • Freelance professional – designer, personal trainer, software developer, health & well-being.

There’s no reason why you can’t market vibrators on one site and sell beauty products on another. E-commerce is a growing sector and with the right products, a slick site and digital marketing should see you reach a level of success.

Why not train to be a yoga instructor, get certified and work at a top Thai well-being retreat? Some personal trainers offer remote consultations, while mental health counsellors are in great demand; a couple of yours of hands-on training is all it takes to get qualified as a mental health counsellor.

Forex trading

This is one way to earn a good living; start off with a demo account and see how you do for 3 months, trading daily. Hook up with a Forex broker who has all the resources you need and if you apply yourself, there’s every reason to be successful. This could be a hobby to start and when you have a good understanding of the terminology, you are ready to trade.

Crypto trading

Winners and losers are made every day; buy on the low and sell at the peak, at least that’s the goal. A very complex marketplace but if you are into number crunching and are IT savvy, trading crypto offers a challenge.

Become a YouTuber

If you are an outgoing girl with a bubbly personality, why not try creating videos? Set up your own channel and when you reach 1k subscribers, your channel is monetized. You need to find a niche and the more energy you put in, the better the content! It’s hard work and might take a few years but if you make a million views, you’ve got it made! Don’t give up your day gig, stick to making short videos as a hobby and see how the views go.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Or so the saying goes and making money remotely frees you to travel and see the world and who doesn’t want to do that?

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