How to use CFDs and margins to your advantage

Regarding trading, there are various strategies that traders can employ to make a profit. Two of the most popular methods are CFDs and margins. A contract for difference (CFD) is a financial contract between two parties, typically a broker and an investor. The contract stipulates that the difference between the opening price and closing price […]

Why Do People Invest In Fine Art?

Investing is extremely popular nowadays. It is a great way for you to invest cash in order to get something of the same value. This way, your cash will not lose value because of inflation. The most popular way of investing in today’s time is through stocks. That does not mean there are no more […]

4 Threats Facing Your Online Identity

Just as a physical identity can be stolen and used for fraudulent purposes, so too can your online identity. In fact, the risks are even greater, as it is often much easier to obtain personal information such as addresses, birthdates and Social Security numbers online. Once someone has this information, they can easily open new […]

The Beginner’s Guide to Organic SEO

In today’s modern world, unprecedented access to information for the average consumer has created some unique challenges for businesses when it comes to marketing. While there is still a valid and important place for more traditional methods of marketing that focus on television, ads; and even printed media, the internet has introduced new changes. What is […]

5 Types of Alternative Investment Funds Investors can Choose 

Alternative investment funds (AIF) are pooled investment funds catered for affluent investors. These funds take in money from many retail investors and invest the capital in alternative investment instruments, which include instruments other than the conventional equity and debt asset classes. AIFs are high-risk-high reward propositions and are a great diversification tool, which is why […]