DRIVING SCHOOLS – A Discount Opportunity

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Driver’s education is often overlooked as a discount opportunity. Teen drivers are costly to insure, but defensive driving training is a great way to reduce the burden.

Drivers who have completed an accredited driver’s education class or defensive driving training are eligible for up to a 10% discount, according to DriversEd.com. Also, if you recently received a ticket, enrolling in a defensive driving course may prevent your insurance premiums from going up (although most companies only allow it once every 12 months).

Defensive driving courses cover topics such as traffic laws, drugs and alcohol; and inclement weather, and driving is often available online or at commercial driving schools. You can find defensive driving courses through your DMV or local community centers.

If you’re not the only person covered by your auto policy; consider encouraging all drivers on your policy to take up defensive driving; and you may be eligible for additional discounts.

Where is defensive driving required?

Defensive driving training required in at least 15 states, including Texas, Nevada, New Jersey, Virginia, Oklahoma, Oregon; New York, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Louisiana, North Carolina, Illinois, and Mississippi.

Classes are flexible and offer a consistent basis; however, learning defensive driving skills an easy way to save money and become a more comfortable driver. After completing a defensive driving course, participants will receive a certificate of completion that can submitted to affordable car insurance companies to qualify for a discount. According to the car insurance company, drivers may also have to repeat the course and keep up with the certification to continue to receive the discount.


These discounts often given to drivers under 25 who enrolled full-time at a high school or university/college and keeping at least an average of 3.0 points or are on the honor roll or the dean’s list.

To demonstrate satisfactory academic progress and receive the discount; students need a current transcript or a letter signed by a school administrator. Students educated at home can present the results of standardized tests such as SAT or ACT scores; which are within the desired percentile rank depending on the insurance provider to qualify.

Good grades can continue to help students save money, even after school. It is because some auto insurance companies extend this post-ado- discount for a limited time.

Drivers with a clean driving record, a standard that each insurance provider determines, are eligible for substantial discounts.

Although there is no universal definition of safe driving, car insurance companies generally mean that collisions and accidents can be in a state of failure and avoid violations such as speeding, driving under the influence, or reckless driving.

Having a clean record can not only offer very cheap car insurance with no deposit; but you can also save much money in the short term.


These discounts may be offered to students attending college more than 100 miles away from home. They are intended to be used exclusively by students who do not plan to drive the insured vehicle while attending school; but you can use them at home during the holidays.


Most affordable car insurance companies have active-duty military and veterans discounts. There are cheap car insurance discounts for car alarm systems or other safety equipment. Many insurers even lower your interest rate if you pay your annual premium in advance or automate your payments.

Ask car insurance companies for a complete list of discounts while you’re shopping since they can not release them all.

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