Baby Drinking Toxic Formula

Symptoms Of A Baby Drinking Toxic Formula

3 minutes, 47 seconds Read

Having a baby and watching them grow up to be healthy and happy is the greatest and most precious experience a parent could want. But raising a child is truly no easy feat.

From diaper changes to clothing, there are so many practical items to buy and think about when you have a child. Yet nothing has quite as much significance as choosing the right type of formula.

Finding a formula that suits your baby is crucial. After all, if your chosen formula doesn’t agree with your little one, their entire immune system and growth rate may suffer as a result.

A great way to combat this is to keep an eye out for any symptoms of a toxic formula so you can resolve any issues before they become too prevalent. If you want to know how to do so then this guide will show you how!

What Makes Baby Formula Toxic?

Some brands of baby formula feature heavily toxic ingredients that could be putting a baby’s health — and life — in jeopardy. 

In the US, recent studies have found that popular baby food products contain a high amount of very dangerous heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, and arsenic. Some products are also known to include the following toxic ingredients:

  • Corn syrup
  • Faux iron
  • Gluten 
  • Mineral oil
  • Preservatives
  • Melamine 

There is a correlation between formula-fed babies and a higher risk of asthma and food allergies (when compared to breastfed babies). In even rarer cases, formula centered on cow’s milk could cause premature babies to develop necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).

What Is NEC?

This is a serious and sometimes life-threatening gastrointestinal issue that tends to affect premature babies. The condition develops within six weeks of birth and inflames the intestinal tissue, causing it to die and resulting in a whole host of complications for the baby.

NEC Lawsuits

While the majority of babies that develop NEC eventually manage to make a full recovery, some babies lose enough intestines that they cannot possibly survive. The outcome of NEC varies depending on the baby.

Due to the severity of the condition, some popular baby formula manufacturers including Similac and Enfamil are being sued by parents of premature babies who claim their child developed NEC due to toxic baby formula (produced by these companies). You can use websites like to find out more information.

Does Baby Formula Cause NEC?

As of right now, no single cause of NEC has been officially identified. However, multiple studies have shown that there is a pretty strong link between premature infants that have been primarily formula-fed with cow milk-based formulas and an increased risk of developing NEC. 

Symptoms To Look Out For

Common symptoms associated with baby formula are those that are typically caused by contaminated formula, food allergies, or using an improperly made formula. 

So, now you know a little bit more about toxic formulas; it’s time to learn about the specific symptoms to look out for so you can identify whether toxic formulas are involved or not.

One of the first notable symptoms of NEC is generally the infant’s inability to tolerate being fed with formula. Despite this, the overall symptoms associated with having NEC might vary widely. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Diarrhea with bloody stool
  • Abdominal swelling and pain 
  • Changes in blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and rate of breathing
  • Yellow or green vomit
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • The inability to gain weight

Can You Prevent Your Baby From Drinking Toxic Formulas?

The short answer is no, you cannot completely prevent it. This is because anything could end up being added to the baby formula during the manufacturing process; whether intentionally or otherwise.

Fortunately, there is one way of reducing the risk of your baby being exposed to potentially toxic formula.

If you primarily feed your baby with baby formula; you should seriously consider using a trusted brand of liquid formula whenever it is possible. This is because any sort of powdered infant formula is not sterile whatsoever and may carry excess germs in it.

By doing this, you are all but guaranteeing the reduced risk of a baby drinking toxic formula.


After reading this article, we hope that you now have a much better understanding of the symptoms of a baby drinking toxic formula. Knowing what to look for will help you to resolve any potential health problems before they can impact your baby too much, resulting in smoother growth (and a much happier baby!)

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